Tuesday 6 July 2021

My Opinion...

In kereru we have been looking at persuasive writing. we have a topic that we can chose agree or disagree on. 

our topic was:  kids should get more responsibilities.  (I agree)

I agree kids should get more responsibilities  because it is easier to learn when your younger then it is when we are older. they will learn good habits for when they are older. kids will learn simple chores like putting their own washing away,  making their own bed and washing the dishes. kids would know how to do everything when they are older because they already know how to do it all. kids spend a lot of time on a device and they will be busy doing chores and jobs. being busy is a good thing. I agree kids should be given the value responsibility because kids will make more friends because they have good value, and will help them, when they need it.  

Friday 18 June 2021

My pest control poster

       WALT: learn what pests are, and add detail.

On Friday the 18th of June 2021 I made on google draw  a poster about bad pests and created an advertisement about it. we tried to make it as detailed as possible. this is how mine turned out:

did you learn anything from this poster?

Friday 21 May 2021

My flow chart

  this is a flow chart of how to make an umu.

in literacy we are looking at umu.  We learned how umu is similar to hangi. we even had an umu at school down the bottom field. an Umu is a Samoan food tradition, and Samoan people say, if you make an umu you need too share it with your neighbours. 


Friday 14 May 2021

show don't tell

I am small with pointy ears. I've got four small paws and a thin tail. I've got a little nose and whiskers that feel like fishing line. I feel like a ball of yarn. I like to catch and play with fish, mice, and birds. and I've got sharp claws and teeth to catch them with.

who am I?

My Opinion...

In kereru we have been looking at persuasive writing. we have a topic that we can chose agree or disagree on.  our topic was:  kids should g...