Thursday 27 August 2020

my special persen

  WALT: write about a special persen in the school.

my special persen is Elise.she is my cousin. she is kind,thouthful and funny. she has a highlight colour hair . her skin is very bright. her voice is very low. and she mostly has her hair tied up. she is always chearful and she stays sweet. she is a good freind and she make 's me laugh. I know she is freindly and joyful.

Thursday 18 June 2020

writing sample


we all know that earth is the only planet we can live on right? but why? well on one side of mercury its to hot on the other its to cold. there's no water or food not even grass! on venus there's no air ether to hot no water or food. on mars its to cold very rocky no water or food or air. theres a posenus gas covering Jupiter .no water no food no air nothing. saturn is different to the others.because there are rings made of rock and ice.and same as the others no air no water or food. on uranus it rains diominds and no food or water or air or grass.on neptune its to cold no air water or food. we can live on earth because theres oxygen to brethe and water and food its not to hot not to cold.

Friday 29 May 2020

the discovery of pluto

In  1930  a man named clyde  discovered a planet that he named pluto the man new it orbited around the sun. and it was round but it did'int clear it's it is not a planet it is a dawaf  planet.
There are 4 dawaf planets in our soler system.

Friday 24 April 2020

Interview questions

WALT write a set of interview questions for Jojo Siwa

Where is your favourite place to be?

When is your birthday and how old are you?

 why do you like bows so much?

what is your favourite time of year?

where is your favourite restaurant?

Thursday 23 April 2020

Giant Dogs

WALT - We are learning to write to describe the picture using detail words to add interest. This is my story:

My geometry map

My Special Place

My special place is Auckland. Some of my cousins live in Auckland and that is why a special  place its special to me. Their house is very big.They have concrete stair case.and a swingset. They have two toy electric motor bikes and a hoverboard a see-saw ,monkeybars and a slide. They have four bedrooms, a huge lounge,a kitchen with a door and on the door was a lock and only people tall enough could reach the lock. 

My Opinion...

In kereru we have been looking at persuasive writing. we have a topic that we can chose agree or disagree on.  our topic was:  kids should g...